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This Day menu offers

We offer something different to local and foreign patrons and ensure you enjoy a memorable food experience every time.

About Porus Bakery


“ Nam ac elit a ante commodo tristique. Duis lacus urna, condimentum a vehicula a, hendrerit ac nisi Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vulputate, tortor nec commodo ultricies vitae viverra ”

Jont henrry – CEO PORUS BAKERY

Best Seller Products

We offer something different to local and foreign patrons and ensure you enjoy a memorable food experience every time.

Make online reservation

Book your table now online and get a confirmation in second. For bar and terrace booking, please contact us directly via (+422) 232232323


We offer something different to local and foreign patrons and ensure you enjoy a memorable food experience every time.


We offer something different to local and foreign patrons and ensure you enjoy a memorable food experience every time.